Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover, Fort Worth Texas Before & After Photos

A Mommy Makeover indicates breast and body rejuvenation after pregnancies. The combination of procedures involved is determined by the patient’s concerns and desires and is decided at consultation. A Mommy Makeover can consist of breast enhancement, body contouring and/or vaginal rejuvenation.


Mommy Makeover: Abdominoplasty + Implant Removal + Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

8 Weeks Post-Op
Case #9629

Mommy Makeover: Abdominoplasty + Breast Reduction + Liposuction Hips/ Flanks & Back

6 Weeks Post-Op
Case #9446

Mommy Makeover: Abdominoplasty + Mastopexy (Breast Lift) + Liposuction Hips/ Flanks

5 Weeks Post-Op
Case #9983