
What are Fillers?
Fillers is a general term for injection of a product designed to restore volume to the face. There are many manufacturers and each manufacturer has many products to offer. The type of filler used is determined by the area the patients wishes to alter: cheeks and temples require one type of filler, lip augmentation a completely different type. Injections can be done in other areas beyond the face, most commonly the backs of the hands. The most common fillers I use are Restylane® Lyft, Restylane® Refyne, Restylane® Defyne and Restylane® Silk.


How long will the appointment take?

Fillers are injected in the office with topical anesthesia. Once the patients arrives at the office, photos are taken and anesthesia applied to the area to be injected. After about 10 or 15 minutes, the injections are performed. For additional comfort, a device called a ZIMMER chiller is held by the patient; a jet of ice cold air helps with comfort in the area injected. Each syringe of filler has local anesthesia included so as the injections progress, anesthesia improves.

What kind of anesthesia will I have?

Topical anesthesia to start then local anesthesia as the filler is injected.

What is recovery like?

I recommend patients stop aspirin or ibuprofen at least a week prior to injections to minimize bleeding and bruising. Even with this precaution, patients are aware that bruising and swelling may occur. This usually only lasts a week or so and can be concealed with makeup.

What are the risks of a Procedure?

Bruising and swelling are the most common risks. For patients with injections into the lips with a history of fever blisters, pretreatment with Valtrex is recommended given a small risk of fever blister outbreak related specifically to lip injections.

How do I prepare for injections?

Stop any medications that can contribute to bleeding (aspirin, ibuprofen) and don’t plan any major events in the days surrounding injections in case bruising occurs.